Top Ranked old technologies by jmama (View Consensus)
1. calculator watch
really? you need to get the sums and cosine of things so bad, you need a calculator on your wrist?
2. boom box
hours and hours recording songs off the radio on this puppy. perfect for resting on your shoulder to make you certifiably deaf.
3. vhs
clunky inefficient machines. 90% still flash 12:00
4. pager
never had one
5. car phone
so '90s!
6. house phone
who has these any more?
7. discman
look- you don't need a tape any more! you can put a cd in and push a button to move tracks!
8. seiko wrist computer
what the hell?
9. floppy disc
state of the art in the 80s
10. polaroid
actually, we still use this. a great, timeless product
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